Transaction Report

Gilberto's Avatar


Nov 26, 2024 @ 07:23 PM

Hello. I am considering migrating from Banktivity to your software and there is a feature in Banktivity that I really like that I was unable to reproduce in Moneydance.

In the Transactions report, Moneydance only shows transactions that have been recorded. I would like to also show future transactions scheduled in Reminders. How do I do this? See the screenshots for a better understanding.

If this feature becomes available, I will definitely purchase the license and migrate to you, but without this feature I prefer to stay with Banktivity.

I await your response, thank you.

  1. 1 Posted by dtd on Nov 27, 2024 @ 12:42 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    Is there a reason that Money Foresight (i.e. Tools/Foresight Forecast) won't work for you?

    Try selecting the Transactions tab (at top), select a single account, then Calculate - you should get something similar to the above, with a column for TXN and REM (i.e. for you; txn and "scheduled").

    You can do much more than this is Money Foresight, but this example should basically duplicate your above example.

  2. 2 Posted by Gilberto Couto on Nov 27, 2024 @ 01:29 AM

    Gilberto Couto's Avatar


    The reason is that I can have a quick FUTURE view of my expected cash flow over a range of dates, including my recurring expenses that are yet to be accounted for (I can instantly know what the balance of an account will be after accounting for recurring expenses from reminders).

    Unfortunately, I have gone through all the settings, and no other report in the program has shown the results I need. I will continue with Banktivity, I like your program, but it does not have the one feature that I use the most in Banktivity and I do not want to give it up.


    De: dtd <[email blocked]>
    Enviado: terça-feira, 26 de novembro de 2024 21:42
    Para: [email blocked] <[email blocked]>
    Assunto: Re: Transaction Report [Switching to Moneydance #25585]

  3. 3 Posted by dtd on Nov 27, 2024 @ 01:48 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    Did you even look at Money Foresight within Moneydance? Or read my message?

    You say again why you want this feature, and I provided a way to get basically exactly what you asked for. But you ignored my response entirely.

  4. 4 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on Nov 27, 2024 @ 07:20 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    The custom balances extension can create summary page rows for certain accounts and can include future reminders.

  5. 5 Posted by Gilberto Couto on Nov 27, 2024 @ 02:07 PM

    Gilberto Couto's Avatar

    Good morning!

    I'm using a translator, I don't speak English and I didn't quite understand the Tools/Foresight Forecast menu you mentioned (my program was in Portuguese).

    I just tested this feature and it does indeed bring future information, but I didn't find it very practical for my day-to-day work because I need to filter the accounts all the time and the numbers are very mixed up on the screen. For example, there is no subtotal per month to make it easier to read. If I enter 12 months in the period filter, for example, it will bring up information up to 11/20/2025. To view the entire year, in this case 12/31/2025, I needed to enter 14 months in the filter, but it goes beyond the fiscal year and the date 12/31/2025 is "mixed up" in the others, requiring more effort to locate.

    In any case, this was the report that most closely resembled what I use in Banktivity, which is already a great improvement. The ideal would be to create a flag within the Transactions report, allowing future entries to be entered and, if possible, also allowing the Category and Check columns to be hidden, because they clutter the screen too much and I need to drag the scroll bar to see the last column. In Banktivity (attached image), I create a report for each month to have a monthly overview of my expected cash flow. In Moneydance, I can create a single annual Transactions report because it has the "Subtotal by month" flag, which makes things much easier. It's a shame that I can't count on future transactions in it. I'll wait a little longer to migrate, because my 7-year history is in Banktivity and to justify migrating from one software to another, it would really have to be a tool with more features.

    Anyway, I appreciate your help. If an improved version of the Transactions report becomes available in the future, please let me know and I'll be happy to purchase the license and migrate.


    De: dtd <[email blocked]>
    Enviado: terça-feira, 26 de novembro de 2024 22:48
    Para: [email blocked] <[email blocked]>
    Assunto: Re: Transaction Report [Switching to Moneydance #25585]

  6. 6 Posted by Gilberto Couto on Nov 27, 2024 @ 02:07 PM

    Gilberto Couto's Avatar

    Good morning!

    I'm using a translator, I don't speak English and I didn't quite understand the Tools/Foresight Forecast menu you mentioned (my program was in Portuguese).

    I just tested this feature and it does indeed bring future information, but I didn't find it very practical for my day-to-day work because I need to filter the accounts all the time and the numbers are very mixed up on the screen. For example, there is no subtotal per month to make it easier to read. If I enter 12 months in the period filter, for example, it will bring up information up to 11/20/2025. To view the entire year, in this case 12/31/2025, I needed to enter 14 months in the filter, but it goes beyond the fiscal year and the date 12/31/2025 is "mixed up" in the others, requiring more effort to locate.

    In any case, this was the report that most closely resembled what I use in Banktivity, which is already a great improvement. The ideal would be to create a flag within the Transactions report, allowing future entries to be entered and, if possible, also allowing the Category and Check columns to be hidden, because they clutter the screen too much and I need to drag the scroll bar to see the last column. In Banktivity (attached image), I create a report for each month to have a monthly overview of my expected cash flow. In Moneydance, I can create a single annual Transactions report because it has the "Subtotal by month" flag, which makes things much easier. It's a shame that I can't count on future transactions in it. I'll wait a little longer to migrate, because my 7-year history is in Banktivity and to justify migrating from one software to another, it would really have to be a tool with more features.

    Anyway, I appreciate your help. If an improved version of the Transactions report becomes available in the future, please let me know and I'll be happy to purchase the license and migrate.


    De: dtd <[email blocked]>
    Enviado: terça-feira, 26 de novembro de 2024 22:48
    Para: [email blocked] <[email blocked]>
    Assunto: Re: Transaction Report [Switching to Moneydance #25585]

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