Disassociate Security from Investment Account
I've looked through several threads on this, but haven't seen a definitive answer. Please forgive me if I didn't read enough issues.
I'm transitioning from Quicken, and I have NOT used the download process for Investment accounts yet, so discussions of duplicate downloaded securities are not applicable.
The problem:
I have several Investment Accounts. There should be one Security associated to each account. But: one account (Acct M) shows two securities (Sec A and Sec M) - one that belongs there (Sec M), and one that is associated to a different Account (Acct A; Sec A).
I want to remove the association of Sec A in Acct M. I don't want to remove the security altogether, as it has transactions and is valid for Acct A.
When Viewing Account M, Sec A, the Detail shows -0- shares but the price is the most recent price as entered on Acct A.
Looking in the Register, I see there were some transactions 8 years ago (when our company was swallowed and new 401(k)s were set up) that reference the Security. I think the transaction are logged on the account
Now, after typing this out, I think I'm probably stuck. I'm not going to try to re-categorize 8-year-old activities. But, if there is a way to get Sec A off of Acct M, or to at least hide it, I'd be grateful.
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1 Posted by dwg on 24 Jul, 2024 12:21 AM
Security definitions are held separately from the accounts they appear in, the definition holds things like the security price history, which obviously only needs to be kept once, even if you hold a security in more than one account.
You can only disassociate a security from an account if there are no transactions in the account that use that security.
There is no ability to hide a security in an account, globally marking securities as inactive is something that has been requested for no longer used securities but that may not apply in your case as it sounds like it is still active in another account.
It sounds like you continued to use the same investment account when things changed, that is likely to be the limiting factor.
2 Posted by markstarr on 24 Jul, 2024 01:58 PM
Thanks for the response, dwg.
That's what I thought. I didn't want to 'Remove Security', or make it Inactive without asking first.
Guess I'll just learn to accept it the way it is.
markstarr closed this discussion on 02 Aug, 2024 09:41 PM.