
Steve Welch's Avatar

Steve Welch

13 Jan, 2025 04:38 PM

I sent a note regarding check printing. It appears you program does not accurately print 3 per page checks even after making adjustments in the print area for each check. Never got a response

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Maddy on 13 Jan, 2025 08:52 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Hi Steve,
    Thank you for contacting Moneydance support.

    I'm sorry you have missed my reply. I have responded to your other discussion - post 2 - on Dec 12, 2024. Please find the same below:

    Which version and build of Moneydance are you using?
    To check, open Moneydance and select Help --> About Moneydance

    Can you let me know which operating system you're running on your computer?

    Programmatically, each check is of equal height and each printed test check should have 10 grid lines on it. Increasing the top or bottom margin will reduce the vertical size of each check, so it's important to get the top and bottom margins correct before adjusting the other settings.

    To get the top and bottom margins to the right amount I would do the following:

    • Set the top margin to zero
    • Print a test page
    • Check the height of the middle check on the test page to see if it is taller or shorter than one of the real checks.
    • If the test check is taller, then increase the bottom margin, otherwise decrease the bottom margin, and then go to step 2.
    • If the test check is the correct height then continue to step 4.
    • If the bottom of the last check on the test page aligns with the bottom of the last real check then you don't need to adjust the bottom margin and continue to step 5.

    Otherwise, increase the top margin by a small amount and decrease the bottom margin by the same amount, then print another test and repeat this step.
    Once the top and bottom margins are correct, you can set the positions of the individual fields on the check. The guide lines on the test checks will help you get these correct. The spaces between horizontal guide lines are 1/10th the height of each check, and the spaces between the vertical guide lines are 1/20th the width of each check.

    Finally, it might be useful referring you to this article of the Knowledge base about Check Printing Preferences.

    I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions or need more assistance.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  2. 2 Posted by Steve Welch on 16 Jan, 2025 09:57 PM

    Steve Welch's Avatar

    I have done all you suggested but it still prints the second and third check incorrectly and out of alignment. Steve
        On Monday, January 13, 2025 at 12:52:49 PM PST, Maddy <[email blocked]> wrote:

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Maddy on 17 Jan, 2025 11:18 AM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Please, can you send us a screenshot of your check printing settings (via File->Preferences->Check Printing)?

    If required, you can read instructions for taking a screenshot here:

    To add it as an attachment to this discussion, please click on "Browse" below your next post.

    Thank you

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  4. 4 Posted by Steve Welch on 20 Jan, 2025 11:33 PM

    Steve Welch's Avatar

    Not quite as simple as the instructions indicate,  The instructions are incomplete   First how do I access the check print settings page without any checks to print?  Second not sure if it will make a difference because no matter what setting I give it the second check comes out miss aligned as does the third check on the page also.  You should have a setting ready for standard three check per page print there are only a few options.Regards,Steve
        On Friday, January 17, 2025 at 03:18:35 AM PST, Maddy <[email blocked]> wrote:

  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by Maddy on 21 Jan, 2025 11:43 AM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Not to worry, Steve!
    Let's try a different approach.

    • When creating transactions, assign the 'Check' field as {Print}. When you choose File --> Print Checks, this will include any transactions that have this field assigned.

    You can choose 'Calibrate Printer' so the check fields fit onto your checks. These fields can also be amended via File --> Preferences --> Check Printing (as seen in this article).

    Specify the 'Check Type' at the top, and then further amend the field settings below. Then 'Print Test Page' to ensure the fields are aligned before you begin to print on the Checks.

    To clarify, you should select the relevant account in the left side bar, first.

    Then navigate to File > Preferences > Check Printing as shown in this article of the Knowledge Base. You can enlarge the resulting window to reveal all the fields.

    Moneydance check printing is completely customisable and allows you to print nearly all types of checks. Therefore, unfortunately we don't have a default check print layout.

    To achieve this, please open Moneydance and choose Preferences > Check printing->standard checks.
    Also, make sure you specify 3 checks per page.

    When amending the check field positions, the "X" fields relate to the horizontal position, and the "Y" fields relate to the vertical position.

    You should take a screenshot of your current check print preferences window so I can see which settings you've selected. You can read instructions for taking a screenshot here -

    When viewing the check printing preferences, you can select "Print Test Page" at the bottom left of the window. When the print dialog window opens, specify to "Print as PDF". This will create a PDF file on your computer that you should attach with your next reply.

    Thank you

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  6. 6 Posted by Steve Welch on 21 Jan, 2025 08:47 PM

    Steve Welch's Avatar

    OK I know that drill I thought there might be another way to access that adjustment page.
        On Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 03:43:45 AM PST, Maddy <[email blocked]> wrote:

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