
Got a problem with Moneydance? Think you've found a bug? Let us know!

Title State Replies Latest Post
danflynn's Avatar

File Not updating

resolved 0 17 Jun, 2017 09:58 PM by danflynn
ishakirr's Avatar

MD Preiview Release

resolved 4 17 Jun, 2017 09:26 PM by -Kevin N.
Jory Agate's Avatar

Problem with reconciling

resolved 4 17 Jun, 2017 04:53 PM by Jory Agate
rysilva's Avatar

Transaction reverting to downloaded data after command+enter

resolved 0 17 Jun, 2017 01:36 PM by rysilva
moneydance's Avatar

Cash Flow Report - Totals are Wrong

resolved 1 17 Jun, 2017 06:47 AM by Henry
duanehebert's Avatar

scheduled deposit

resolved 2 16 Jun, 2017 11:34 PM by duanehebert
duanehebert's Avatar

scheduled deposit

resolved 0 16 Jun, 2017 11:10 PM by duanehebert
hscbsc's Avatar

Example for Entering a CD / Bond in MD

resolved 0 15 Jun, 2017 11:06 PM by hscbsc
chan.pat93's Avatar

Investment account calculate “%change” incorrectly

resolved 6 14 Jun, 2017 10:22 PM by Tom Freeman
Jim Golding's Avatar

Money Foresight Plugin

resolved 14 14 Jun, 2017 10:19 PM by Kevin Stembridge
doulos564's Avatar

Quotes and Exchange Rates Errors

resolved 1 14 Jun, 2017 01:28 PM by Henry
Ed Hockenbrocht's Avatar

Having problem loading

resolved 4 14 Jun, 2017 09:24 AM by Henry
Bruce Frandsen's Avatar

Payees and auto-select categories

resolved 1 13 Jun, 2017 10:11 PM by -Kevin N.
Cliff Andrews's Avatar

Frozen when try to print transactions...

resolved 1 13 Jun, 2017 07:27 PM by Ethan
nealagogol's Avatar

Downloaded transactions from multiple accounts

resolved 1 13 Jun, 2017 06:34 PM by Henry
-Kevin N.'s Avatar

Windows 10 Creator's Edition can't access Windows Explorer.

resolved 4 13 Jun, 2017 02:21 PM by -Kevin N.
boreham's Avatar

Cash Flow report shows surplus as red negative and deficit as black positive

resolved 24 13 Jun, 2017 10:04 AM by Ian O
lorax's Avatar

Mortgage interest ratio does not update after extra principal payment

resolved 1 13 Jun, 2017 03:35 AM by lorax
Ronald Bernier's Avatar

How do I change/delete "Parent" account

resolved 3 12 Jun, 2017 01:07 PM by Henry
markk2213's Avatar


resolved 4 11 Jun, 2017 05:31 PM by sth
sth's Avatar


resolved 5 11 Jun, 2017 05:29 PM by sth
Kenneth porteous's Avatar

Not able to open momeydance

resolved 4 11 Jun, 2017 03:41 PM by kenneth
Ade's Avatar

Moneydance wont load

resolved 5 11 Jun, 2017 01:29 PM by Ade
bruceinlouisville's Avatar

FYI on text import

resolved 0 10 Jun, 2017 11:36 PM by bruceinlouisville
Amar's Avatar

Column Contents Not Legible When Matching Downloaded Transactions

resolved 2 10 Jun, 2017 03:35 PM by Amar Khalifeh
Donna Carr Roberts's Avatar

Bank transactions not listed by date

resolved 2 10 Jun, 2017 12:50 AM by Donna S Carr
aj2wilson's Avatar

Colour scheme - or lack of it

resolved 21 09 Jun, 2017 02:30 PM by aj2wilson
lapdret's Avatar


resolved 2 08 Jun, 2017 04:13 AM by lapdret
zwayne's Avatar

Moving transactions to a new category

resolved 6 07 Jun, 2017 11:54 PM by -Kevin N.
Alex's Avatar

report to generate maximum balance in a give time period

resolved 0 07 Jun, 2017 05:14 PM by Alex

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