
Got a problem with Moneydance? Think you've found a bug? Let us know!

Title State Replies Latest Post
Tom's Avatar

Fedora 27 update failing

resolved 2 11 Mar, 2018 09:30 PM by Tom
Brian Gamble's Avatar

Entering Transactions

resolved 5 11 Mar, 2018 06:41 PM by -Kevin N.
Hugh Aaron's Avatar

Problem with Quotes and Exchange Rates

resolved 48 11 Mar, 2018 03:35 PM by sth
m.hedley's Avatar

Sorting categories into alphabetical order

resolved 2 11 Mar, 2018 02:24 PM by -Kevin N.
drpgabriel's Avatar


resolved 1 10 Mar, 2018 09:35 AM by derekkent23
Richard Allen's Avatar

Alphavantage unable get to currency rates

resolved 1 10 Mar, 2018 09:20 AM by derekkent23
info's Avatar

Still Using 2011, but miss stock price updates - What are my options?

resolved 18 09 Mar, 2018 10:04 PM by dwg
david's Avatar

On second secondary computer file name for Dropbox sync

resolved 2 09 Mar, 2018 08:25 PM by david
dorothyalmaraz's Avatar

money dance is suddenly showing my transactions our of date and in a strange way

resolved 4 09 Mar, 2018 04:20 PM by Ian O
Dean Marchitello's Avatar


resolved 3 09 Mar, 2018 12:54 PM by Ian O
Bob's Avatar

stock prices are not updatieing on Moneydance

resolved 1 09 Mar, 2018 08:55 AM by derekkent23
Cindy's Avatar

Cmd Enter to Confirm downloaded transaction

resolved 2 09 Mar, 2018 01:17 AM by Cindy
John Stringer's Avatar

Accounts are different on two windows machines

resolved 3 08 Mar, 2018 08:46 PM by derekkent23
Marc's Avatar

Dropbox sync

resolved 7 08 Mar, 2018 05:29 PM by marc
m. feldman's Avatar

Ubuntu "Bad Quality" complaint when installing.

resolved 1 08 Mar, 2018 10:11 AM by jeff
john rance's Avatar

stock price updates

resolved 19 08 Mar, 2018 09:57 AM by gingerneil
Terry W. Potter's Avatar


resolved 1 08 Mar, 2018 02:13 AM by dwg
Geraldine Rudduck 's Avatar


resolved 3 07 Mar, 2018 11:19 PM by -Kevin N.
Tracy Elder's Avatar

Printing reports

resolved 0 07 Mar, 2018 02:50 PM by Tracy Elder
Steve Kopplin's Avatar

Add Security to Account

resolved 6 06 Mar, 2018 09:39 PM by sth
Robin's Avatar

Category won't let me change it

resolved 0 06 Mar, 2018 09:21 PM by Robin
singerdf's Avatar

online bill pay

resolved 9 06 Mar, 2018 08:59 PM by singerdf
michael's Avatar


resolved 9 06 Mar, 2018 04:07 PM by derekkent23
waltcb's Avatar

Cost basis report shows " cost basis invalid "

resolved 2 06 Mar, 2018 02:57 PM by Walt
Greg Shearer's Avatar

Dropbox Sync - Authorization Error: DropboxServerException (nginx): 400 Bad Request (v1_retired)

resolved 2 06 Mar, 2018 07:23 AM by Greg Shearer
curry rinzler's Avatar

moneydance opens ok, I select an account ok, click on the report I want and it displays ok,

resolved 3 05 Mar, 2018 04:52 PM by -Kevin N.
chan.pat93's Avatar

Wrong calculation in investment account

resolved 1 05 Mar, 2018 02:32 AM by sth
chan.pat93's Avatar

Security price once entered, cannot modify again

resolved 1 05 Mar, 2018 02:28 AM by sth
james Beston's Avatar

Net Worth Descrepancy

resolved 1 04 Mar, 2018 06:37 PM by derekkent23
info's Avatar

All of my bank downloads stopped working with cert errors?

resolved 5 04 Mar, 2018 11:39 AM by info

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