
Got a problem with Moneydance? Think you've found a bug? Let us know!

Title State Replies Latest Post
AndrewD's Avatar

Reporting issue when clicking on categories

resolved 2 26 Nov, 2011 07:20 PM by AndrewD
Ron's Avatar

use find/replace extension to change categories changes to wrong category

resolved 4 26 Nov, 2011 06:30 PM by Ron
cynthia's Avatar

Cannot enter Tag amount in Payment Rate box

resolved 6 26 Nov, 2011 02:41 PM by Ben Spencer
Keith's Avatar

MD 2011 Startup Error

resolved 16 25 Nov, 2011 11:00 PM by Jessica Little
slashchuck's Avatar

Windows 7 Home problem with encrypted file.

resolved 27 25 Nov, 2011 03:25 PM by Jessica Little
jody's Avatar

No success importing a Wachovia qfx file.

resolved 11 23 Nov, 2011 09:19 PM by -Kevin N.
cspeer's Avatar

Volume/Price History Stuck in Securities Detail Page

resolved 2 23 Nov, 2011 02:57 PM by C Speer
Jeff Jenkins's Avatar

MoneyDance PC App Sync With MoneyDance iPhone App

resolved 9 23 Nov, 2011 04:57 AM by oldrsk8r
newss's Avatar

Category won't change back to active status. Is this a bug?

resolved 1 22 Nov, 2011 10:16 PM by newss
Charles Gorman's Avatar

registration key

resolved 3 22 Nov, 2011 07:55 PM by Jon Hoover
hmd's Avatar

Problems w/ direct connect to US Bank

resolved 2 22 Nov, 2011 07:15 AM by hmd
gavin's Avatar

Reconcile Not Showing Deposits after installing latest version

resolved 4 22 Nov, 2011 12:51 AM by Ben Spencer
sobo1's Avatar

MoneyDance not starting?

resolved 1 21 Nov, 2011 01:59 AM by -Kevin N.
Jon's Avatar

Transactions Report Open / Close Balance

resolved 3 20 Nov, 2011 03:09 PM by Ben Spencer
Patrick's Avatar

Historical exchange rates support is broken

resolved 48 19 Nov, 2011 10:22 PM by Patrick
Jim's Avatar

first reconcile of old imported account

resolved 3 19 Nov, 2011 06:15 PM by -Kevin N.
Avi Heller`'s Avatar

can't download

resolved 1 17 Nov, 2011 12:00 AM by Avi Heller`
as1539081's Avatar

Stock Quotes and Currency Exchange rates

resolved 11 16 Nov, 2011 06:09 PM by Jon Hoover
neillhowell's Avatar

Date range in memorized report wrong

resolved 2 16 Nov, 2011 01:36 PM by neillhowell
Marlene's Avatar

Moneydance 2011r2 (803)

resolved 2 16 Nov, 2011 12:17 AM by Marlene Kocher
harvey's Avatar

MoneyDance reports can't add?

resolved 9 15 Nov, 2011 11:40 AM by christina
Phil's Avatar

How do I convert a csv format to something that can be imported into Moneydance

resolved 2 15 Nov, 2011 04:34 AM by Ben Spencer
tahartman's Avatar

Can't connect to Zions Bank

resolved 30 14 Nov, 2011 04:08 PM by TJ Finlinson
adisler's Avatar

Confirmed/merged transactions not clearing

resolved 1 14 Nov, 2011 02:36 PM by Jessica Little
Jessica's Avatar

Error when connecting to financial institution

resolved 2 13 Nov, 2011 05:22 PM by Angie Rauscher
rgwilson's Avatar

Automatic Backup Issue

resolved 1 13 Nov, 2011 12:05 AM by Ben Spencer
JIm Gatos's Avatar

What a pain in the neck to try and sync Moneydance on an iPad with a MacBook Pro...

resolved 3 12 Nov, 2011 10:29 PM by Ben Spencer
Irene 's Avatar

freezing during batch changes

resolved 1 12 Nov, 2011 08:42 PM by Ben Spencer
cecil_t's Avatar

Problems on Ubuntu 11.10

resolved 7 12 Nov, 2011 04:53 PM by cecil_t
adrian's Avatar

Lloyds import

resolved 7 12 Nov, 2011 01:52 PM by Jessica Little

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