Switching to Moneydance

Coming to Moneydance from another personal financial manager? Post any questions here! You may also be interested in our knowledge base section on importing data from other programs.

Title State Replies Latest Post
5haughtons's Avatar

Cannot import from Quicken Essentials

resolved 16 04 May, 2015 12:31 PM by Ian L
Aileen's Avatar

transfer of Quicken transactions.

resolved 8 04 May, 2015 12:02 PM by Tom Freeman
's Avatar

How do I....

resolved 1 03 May, 2015 09:11 PM by dwg
Lynn Taylor's Avatar


resolved 10 02 May, 2015 07:43 AM by Kevin Stembridge
Bobby's Avatar

Tax categories for Australia

resolved 2 27 Apr, 2015 03:53 AM by A.E.M. (Bobby)
glumfolio3's Avatar

Cannot import stock basis

resolved 1 26 Apr, 2015 02:33 PM by sth
Sarah McIntosh's Avatar

Importing from Quicken Essentials

resolved 0 23 Apr, 2015 03:16 PM by Sarah McIntosh
Tom's Avatar

App Store Vs Download

resolved 2 21 Apr, 2015 04:18 PM by Tom
Robert's Avatar


resolved 2 21 Apr, 2015 03:28 PM by David Hanley
Will's Avatar

Accounts vs Categories

resolved 2 17 Apr, 2015 11:55 PM by Will
Victor Smith's Avatar

Attempting to download trial-version Moneydance for Mac OSX 10.6.8 system

resolved 2 17 Apr, 2015 10:07 PM by Vic Smith
William Beitz's Avatar

Switching from Quicken

resolved 0 14 Apr, 2015 08:31 PM by William Beitz
summertime.ed's Avatar

Canadian Accounts

resolved 1 14 Apr, 2015 05:35 PM by Scott Meehan
Rob's Avatar

Importing from Quicken

resolved 6 14 Apr, 2015 12:52 PM by rm
's Avatar


resolved 1 13 Apr, 2015 09:21 PM by Ben Spencer
Steve Quinton Tillman's Avatar

Moving from Quicken on PC to Financial Management on a MAC

resolved 1 10 Apr, 2015 07:17 PM by Steve Quinton Tillman
lawrjenkins's Avatar

reset my account or register

resolved 2 10 Apr, 2015 05:15 PM by -Kevin N.
andrewdowns.uk's Avatar

import from buxfer qif files - cannot get corrrect dates

resolved 1 07 Apr, 2015 12:56 AM by Ben Spencer
timebes's Avatar

Can I Switch back to Quicken?

resolved 2 06 Apr, 2015 03:43 PM by Scott Meehan
Paul Weathers's Avatar

How to transfer Quicken Windows data to MoneyDance for Mac

resolved 2 05 Apr, 2015 08:01 PM by Tom Freeman
Bob Hovey's Avatar

How do I use Mac Time Machine to recover/restore data if there is a damaged MD2015 file?

resolved 1 02 Apr, 2015 06:34 PM by Scott Meehan
Bob Hovey's Avatar

Where is data filed in MD 2015 ?

resolved 2 01 Apr, 2015 07:25 PM by Scott Meehan
's Avatar

how to switch back to personal finance

resolved 2 31 Mar, 2015 07:36 PM by Jane Martin
ktbos's Avatar

Interest Income

resolved 3 31 Mar, 2015 09:13 AM by ktbos
Bob Hovey's Avatar

File management problem upgrade from MD 2010 to 2015 on Mac

resolved 7 27 Mar, 2015 05:37 PM by Scott Meehan
's Avatar


resolved 8 14 Mar, 2015 05:44 PM by Ben Spencer
Jeff's Avatar

quicken 2002

resolved 1 09 Mar, 2015 04:01 PM by Scott Meehan

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