
Have a suggestion for how we can improve? Let us know here!

Title State Replies Latest Post
Andrew's Avatar

Feature Request: better report column width handling

resolved 0 30 Nov, 2018 05:45 PM by Andrew
russ.j.mundy's Avatar

Reconciliation window and selecting transactions to clear

resolved 8 25 Nov, 2018 10:36 AM by russ.j.mundy
Cindy's Avatar

Restoring archived files could be a lot easier

resolved 4 13 Nov, 2018 08:03 PM by dwg
Mike Josey's Avatar

System updates

resolved 5 13 Nov, 2018 05:19 PM by Mike Josey
Lee's Avatar

filter out categories in graphs and reports

resolved 5 11 Nov, 2018 10:37 PM by -Kevin N.
djlauria's Avatar

Typing in categories

resolved 2 08 Nov, 2018 10:43 PM by djlauria
mjoa4608's Avatar

How do I enter the beginning balances

resolved 1 08 Nov, 2018 07:42 PM by dwg
Mike Josey's Avatar

Printing transactions

resolved 3 02 Nov, 2018 11:10 AM by Mike Josey
shaun's Avatar

Feature Request: Exit Confirmation Dialog

resolved 2 01 Nov, 2018 06:54 PM by shaun
fejfarad's Avatar

Addresses on Checks

resolved 0 26 Oct, 2018 04:07 AM by fejfarad
Linda's Avatar

default category

resolved 3 25 Oct, 2018 12:58 PM by Linda Lewis

Size of text

resolved 5 22 Oct, 2018 03:11 PM by Ian O
dancing_$'s Avatar

Categories Hidden on Desktop Should be Hidden on Mobile App

resolved 4 13 Oct, 2018 07:46 PM by dancing_$
Louie's Avatar

Advanced option - regex editing for auto-categorization rules

resolved 2 12 Oct, 2018 06:19 PM by Henry
~Dan N's Avatar

Reports and direction for starting over with losing everything

resolved 3 12 Oct, 2018 12:28 PM by ~Dan N
alan's Avatar

Different dates for the same transaction

resolved 1 11 Oct, 2018 08:18 PM by dwg
Don Karon's Avatar


resolved 6 10 Oct, 2018 02:19 PM by donkaron
Ken Bolton's Avatar

Register Filters

resolved 2 07 Oct, 2018 01:32 PM by Ken Bolton
dhewko2009's Avatar

Don't add tax if tax already entered

resolved 0 30 Sep, 2018 10:51 AM by dhewko2009
Ignacio Acosta's Avatar


resolved 1 20 Sep, 2018 08:35 PM by mhoggie
amarc's Avatar


resolved 9 06 Sep, 2018 01:14 AM by dwg
Tom's Avatar

Graph Doesn't Show Transfers

resolved 0 03 Sep, 2018 12:30 PM by Tom
jonh's Avatar

Dropbox App & Linux

resolved 1 01 Sep, 2018 09:03 AM by Ian O
jonh's Avatar

Improve Mobile Sync

resolved 2 31 Aug, 2018 03:56 PM by jonh
VL's Avatar

Global search to display which account the transaction is from

resolved 0 25 Aug, 2018 04:19 PM by VL
glyn's Avatar

Schedule Payment dates

resolved 2 21 Aug, 2018 07:28 AM by glyn
larry's Avatar

Warn about post-dated checks

resolved 0 20 Aug, 2018 11:31 PM by larry
avp2's Avatar

Account Balance Graph Improvement

resolved 1 19 Aug, 2018 06:24 PM by pdorai
Captain Moderate's Avatar

Batch change amount

resolved 3 19 Aug, 2018 01:18 AM by -Kevin N.
mikemink1's Avatar

Wish List

resolved 6 07 Aug, 2018 11:41 PM by mikemink1

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