
Have a suggestion for how we can improve? Let us know here!

Title State Replies Latest Post
Elliot's Avatar

Outdated app

resolved 0 17 Oct, 2022 08:12 AM by Elliot
billcour's Avatar

Please add a preference for two-line mode

resolved 4 17 Oct, 2022 02:08 AM by Ethan
johnblackii's Avatar

Category headings

resolved 0 15 Oct, 2022 07:42 PM by johnblackii
Jeff Ptak's Avatar

Account List Icon

resolved 0 15 Oct, 2022 03:08 PM by Jeff Ptak
KathyH's Avatar

Reconciliations - Mark All

resolved 5 12 Oct, 2022 07:37 PM by tonyt
psantucc's Avatar

Moneydance+ limit downloads by date range

resolved 4 10 Oct, 2022 11:25 PM by psantucc
avp2's Avatar

New Graph Range/Function - Current Date

resolved 2 28 Sep, 2022 02:44 PM by Maddy
ian's Avatar

Moneydance Foresight Forecast - asset growth

resolved 1 26 Sep, 2022 11:15 AM by obbiie
Mike's Avatar

Report for Reminders

resolved 2 25 Sep, 2022 07:03 AM by derekkent23
no1traindriver's Avatar

Trial version limits

resolved 3 23 Sep, 2022 02:48 PM by Maddy
P Smith's Avatar

Open the Moneydance+ Plaid connector for Plaid Developer Accounts

resolved 1 21 Sep, 2022 12:51 PM by Maddy
Mike's Avatar


resolved 1 21 Sep, 2022 02:24 AM by tgilbert666
arlo's Avatar

order transactions correctly within the same date

resolved 3 21 Sep, 2022 02:18 AM by tgilbert666
Marcosoft's Avatar

On Windows - Mark as uncleared, reconciling and cleared printing!

resolved 0 17 Sep, 2022 09:24 AM by Marcosoft
Joe Bruns's Avatar


resolved 3 17 Sep, 2022 07:35 AM by derekkent23
Gary Jahnke's Avatar

Available Credit option

resolved 4 15 Sep, 2022 01:13 AM by Gary Jahnke
Axel's Avatar

Reporting options

resolved 0 06 Sep, 2022 01:28 PM by Axel
mmd's Avatar

No Merge Option for Transactions in "Bank Register" under Investments (Switching to Fidelity CMA)

resolved 3 31 Aug, 2022 07:26 PM by mmd
Robert Tilton's Avatar

Budget Report changes requested.

resolved 1 31 Aug, 2022 05:44 PM by mkemen
tonyt's Avatar

Creating new split transaction

resolved 0 27 Aug, 2022 03:10 PM by tonyt
tonyt's Avatar

AUTO Payee / Category pop up needed

resolved 0 21 Aug, 2022 03:17 PM by tonyt
Christopher's Avatar

Select active accounts to sync

resolved 0 19 Aug, 2022 03:30 AM by Christopher
gary.hammer's Avatar

Reminders With Due Date of Today Show as Past Due

resolved 3 17 Aug, 2022 10:59 PM by dwg
William M Wise's Avatar

Adding a Signature to printed checks

resolved 0 15 Aug, 2022 03:12 PM by William M Wise
P. Phillips's Avatar

Intel versus Universal

resolved 2 13 Aug, 2022 10:30 PM by P. Phillips
jwsizemore's Avatar

MacOS Touch ID

resolved 0 13 Aug, 2022 06:57 PM by jwsizemore

Account types

resolved 0 12 Aug, 2022 10:24 AM by PAUL MALLEY
tom.mcdougal.84's Avatar

categorizing divreinvest, sellxfr, buyxfr

resolved 3 07 Aug, 2022 10:55 PM by dwg
Imants's Avatar

Security Price Entry

resolved 0 02 Aug, 2022 07:20 AM by Imants
joel's Avatar

Ability To Create An Optional Account Type

resolved 0 30 Jul, 2022 01:49 PM by joel

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