
Got a problem with Moneydance? Think you've found a bug? Let us know!

Title State Replies Latest Post
mfeldman's Avatar

Long time loading and backing up MD files to/from file disk over Wi-Fi

resolved 5 01 Oct, 2022 02:21 AM by mfeldman
John Trinklein's Avatar

Changing "Currency Type" on individual Categories or Accounts

resolved 1 30 Sep, 2022 09:49 PM by dwg
mawigmore's Avatar

Currency Graph broken

resolved 7 30 Sep, 2022 03:48 PM by Sean Reilly
anndupuis's Avatar

Totally screwed up account balances... how to restore from backup?

resolved 12 30 Sep, 2022 07:38 AM by derekkent23
Patrick Johnson's Avatar

New Computer

resolved 2 30 Sep, 2022 03:04 AM by Patrick Johnson
Robert Winter's Avatar

StuWareSoft Systems extension installing - hung app, spinning beachball

resolved 9 29 Sep, 2022 08:21 PM by obbiie
Lex's Avatar

Split transactions function

resolved 0 28 Sep, 2022 11:12 PM by Lex
hildums's Avatar

Transaction filter

resolved 2 28 Sep, 2022 04:10 PM by hildums
Christopher Bishop's Avatar

Setting text colour on account titles

resolved 0 28 Sep, 2022 09:39 AM by Christopher Bishop
bvanmarr's Avatar

Mortgage not showing under income/expense reports

resolved 5 26 Sep, 2022 10:18 PM by bvanmarr
Millie Gray's Avatar

Cannot upload older version of Moneydance

resolved 0 26 Sep, 2022 07:36 PM by Millie Gray
Clayton R Wood's Avatar

Edit transactions

resolved 2 26 Sep, 2022 12:34 PM by Clayton Wood
Artemio's Avatar

accents don't work when entering transactions

resolved 1 26 Sep, 2022 01:09 AM by Ethan
tfilly93's Avatar

Running Moneydance

resolved 2 26 Sep, 2022 12:55 AM by Ethan
sj.iphone's Avatar

Edit built in template for accounts

resolved 3 23 Sep, 2022 10:31 AM by Maddy
Jon's Avatar

No Grouping on Net Worth Report

resolved 3 22 Sep, 2022 05:40 PM by dominicresults4
bvanmarr's Avatar

Mortgage payments not factoring interest and escrow

resolved 2 22 Sep, 2022 03:50 PM by bvanmarr
arlo's Avatar

jerky scrolling with trackpad

resolved 4 21 Sep, 2022 08:11 PM by arlo
John Canino's Avatar

Can no longer upgrade

resolved 2 21 Sep, 2022 03:35 PM by Maddy
Frank Hill's Avatar

Can't Find My Accounts Data

resolved 1 21 Sep, 2022 09:14 AM by derekkent23
Albin Carlson's Avatar

Being new to Moneydance, I need to talk to someone about what I see on the screen.

resolved 2 21 Sep, 2022 03:18 AM by dtd
arlo's Avatar

Reorder items within a split transaction

resolved 6 21 Sep, 2022 12:17 AM by arlo
tlist809's Avatar

error communicating with bank

resolved 7 19 Sep, 2022 09:38 PM by tlist809
Jerrold Slafsky's Avatar

Opening Balance in Reconciliation is wrong

resolved 2 19 Sep, 2022 09:36 PM by dwg
tdh's Avatar

Capital gains report short term showing weird numbers

resolved 8 19 Sep, 2022 09:55 AM by dwg
tonyblunt's Avatar

Strange securities with no entries but cannot delete them

resolved 0 18 Sep, 2022 03:42 PM by tonyblunt
bnbunch's Avatar


resolved 2 18 Sep, 2022 02:12 AM by tgilbert666
Michael 's Avatar

Moneydance freezing and crashing

resolved 0 17 Sep, 2022 02:41 PM by Michael
Richard McKee's Avatar

Moneydance is unresponsive

resolved 3 17 Sep, 2022 12:12 PM by Richard McKee
Bob Shormann's Avatar

restore Moneydance backup data

resolved 6 17 Sep, 2022 07:43 AM by derekkent23

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