Export a Graph or Report

You can follow the steps in this article to create a graph or report.

Export a Graph -

After generating a graph, you can select the "Save" button on the window displaying the graph results.

This will allow you to save the graph as an image file on your computer.

Export a Report -

After generating a report, you can select the "Save" button on the window displaying the report results.

This will allow you to save the data in the report, using one of the formats below -

  • HTML (for use in a web browser)

  • Tab delimited

  • Comma Delimited (CSV)

  • Comma Delimited (CSV, Encoded for Excel)

Tab and Comma Delimited formats can be opened with spreadsheet software, like Excel or Numbers.

Reports also contain a “Copy to Clipboard” button.
This allows you to more easily transfer data to another program.

To create a PDF file, choose "Print".
This will open your computer's Print Dialog window.
In this window, you can specify "Print to PDF".
This allows you to save a PDF file to your computer.