Customising Moneydance

Once you have followed these steps to set up your account and categories, you can make many changes to customise the program. These changes will alter the program visually, and you can also move and hide some features.

Change the locale settings -

Within your General Preferences you can change several settings relating to locale -

  • You can amend the Date Format field and select from multiple options.
    e.g. dd/MM/yyyy or MM.dd.yyyy

  • Amend the Locale field to change the language and spelling in Moneydance.
    There are many different languages available, and some languages have multiple options
    e.g. English (UK), English (US) and English (AUS).

  • You can amend the First Day of Week field. The default is Sunday, but you can change this to any day you prefer.

Change the Appearance -

Within your Appearance preferences you can change how Moneydance looks -

  • Changing the Theme will alter the colour scheme applied to the program. You can choose from multiple colour schemes or create a custom theme.

  • You can change the Font field to amend the font style.

  • And change the Font Size field to increase/decrease the size of the font.

Customise the Summary page -

By default, the Summary page will display all available modules, split into left and right columns.

You can remove the modules you don't need, and rearrange the modules you use.

For example, you could remove the "Exchange Rates" module. And have the "Reminders Calendar" module display at the top of the left column.

The steps to make changes to the Summary page are outlined in this article.

Make changes to the Side Bar -

You can amend the side bar in many ways.
You'll find the steps to make all of the changes below in this article -

  • Change the type of balance that's displayed for your accounts.

  • Add/remove items to/from the side bar.

  • Manually order accounts in the side bar (by renaming them).

  • Amend the side bar width.

  • Or remove the side bar from view completely.

Column widths -

You can increase or decrease the size of all columns in any account register.
The steps to do this are outlined in this article.

Status graph -

This graph is located at the very top of the program window.
It displays either the Budget Status or Net Worth Graph.
You can switch between graphs, or hide the graph completely by following the steps in this article.