Export a Graph or Report
You can follow the steps in this article to create a graph or report.
Export a Graph -
After generating a graph, you can select the "Save" button on the window displaying the graph results.
This will allow you to save the graph as an image file on your computer.
Export a Report -
After generating a report, you can select the "Save" button on the window displaying the report results.
This will allow you to save the data in the report, using one of the formats below -
HTML (for use in a web browser)
Tab delimited
Comma Delimited (CSV)
Comma Delimited (CSV, Encoded for Excel)
Tab and Comma Delimited formats can be opened with spreadsheet software, like Excel or Numbers.
Reports also contain a “Copy to Clipboard” button.
This allows you to more easily transfer data to another program.
To create a PDF file, choose "Print".
This will open your computer's Print Dialog window.
In this window, you can specify "Print to PDF".
This allows you to save a PDF file to your computer.
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