Net Worth

Net worth is the value of everything you own minus the value of everything you owe.

The net worth in Moneydance is calculated using the balance of all accounts in your data file (positive and negative amounts).

Your net worth is displayed on the summary page below the total of each account type.

You can display your net worth at the top of the program window using the net worth graph.

You can also generate a graph or report to view your net worth.

Include or exclude accounts from your net worth -

In Moneydance 2024.3 (build 5219) and newer versions, net worth calculations have changed.
The net worth now includes inactive accounts that have a balance.
Previously, all inactive accounts were automatically excluded.

To include or exclude accounts from your net worth, follow the steps below -

Open Moneydance and select Tools > Accounts.
All accounts in your data file will be listed here.
Any inactive account names will be greyed out.
Double-click on the account name to view the account settings.
Then, disable the option "Include in net worth" at the very bottom of the window.