Address Book

Moneydance's address book allows you to include information such as street addresses, phone numbers and email contacts for people and businesses.

Create Address Book Entry -

To add, delete, or edit addresses navigate to Tools > Address Book.


Select 'Add' to create a new Address Book entry.
You can input a name, address, email address and phone number.


Assign Address Book Entry to Transactions -

When entering a transaction you can select any entry from your Address Book in the Description field.
Entries that point to address book information display a green @ symbol.


Once you've added the transaction to your account with an address book entry assigned, you'll see a blue @ symbol within the description field.


Print Address Book Entry on Checks -

Address book entries must be used to print addresses on checks.

You should assign the relevant address book entry to the transaction (as detailed above).

Then amend your check printing preferences so that "Show Address" is enabled.

Then print your checks as normal, by setting the check number field for the transactions to be printed as {Print}. The steps for printing checks are outlined in this article.