Confirm Downloaded Data

After downloading new transactions, you will accept (or “confirm”) them into your account register.

During this process, you can ensure the correct categories are assigned to your transactions.

How to Confirm transactions -

To begin the confirmation process, click on the first unconfirmed transaction in the register.
Unconfirmed transactions display a solid blue dot.



After selecting an unconfirmed transaction, the confirmation panel will display on the right.
This panel contains suggested options for how to handle the selected transaction -

  • Current Transaction
    This displays the transaction in its current form, as displayed in the account register.
    You can select the Category field within this panel and amend it if required.
    Once you're happy with the transaction details displayed here, select "Confirm".
    This will accept the transaction into the account using the details displayed in this panel.

  • Merge Choices
    Displays any transactions in the account that are potential duplicates of the selected transaction.
    Selecting "Merge" will combine the transactions.
    Merging transactions is detailed further in this article.

  • Similar Payees
    This displays any similar transactions already confirmed in the account.
    You will see the Payee at the top, and the assigned category below this.
    If you want to use the suggested category, select "Confirm" on the right of the category you need.
    This will change the Description and Category of the selected transaction so that it matches the similar transaction displayed.

  • Transaction as Downloaded
    This will appear after you have made a change to the Description of an unconfirmed transaction.
    Selecting "Confirm" here will accept the transaction in its original format, as Moneydance has received it. Therefore, this will reverse any changes you've made.

Once transactions are Confirmed -

When you have confirmed the transaction - the blue dot disappears, replaced with a blue circle.
This signifies the data has been downloaded and is now "confirmed".



You can read more about transaction status icons in this article.

After you confirm a transaction, Moneydance will automatically select the next unconfirmed transaction in the account register. This allows you to easily continue working through the confirmation process to handle the other unconfirmed transactions in the account.

Suggested and automatically assigned categories -

As you go through the confirmation process, it will become quicker and easier.

Moneydance will begin to recognise the information you have previously confirmed and begin to suggest the correct categories for your transactions in the "Similar Payees" panel.

Moneydance attempts to recognise and auto-categorise transactions with similar payees and amounts, so once you have assigned a category to a transaction or changed its description - you can expect Moneydance to suggest the same category or description for similar transactions in the future.

As you continue to confirm transactions after each download, you will see that many of the correct categories will automatically be assigned to your transactions immediately after downloading. This will improve as you confirm more transactions.

Default category -

If Moneydance doesn't know which category to assign to your downloaded transaction, the default category will be used.

To change the default category, select the account in the side bar.
Then select Account > Edit Account.
In this window, you can amend the "Default Category" field.